10 Commandments of crafting

  1. Be inspired by others but don’t copy.

It is perfectly okay to go online and look at what other crafters are working on. It okay if other crafters inspire you. Just don’t copy them verbatim. Especially if you are selling the products you create! Don’t be afraid to experiment and allow your creativity to flow. Allow your personality to shine through the piece you create!

  1. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

Don’t be afraid to play with new materials or mediums! You can be amazed with what you can create by just expanding your knowledge and playing with some new materials! 

  1. Use those coupons and sales-never buy full price if you can avoid it.

It is an absolute (haha…) that as crafters we must use the absolute most amount of coupons we can at once! From corporate to local craft stores each one (for the most part) offers some kind of coupon. Michaels, Joann’s, AC Moore, Hobby Lobby, they all offer coupons and sales that frequently can be combined together! YAY! More savings. Believe me I love my coupons. 

  1. Be original 

Don’t be afraid to be original! Express yourself through your art or your craft.  Don’t be afraid of what others think about what you create. As long as you love it who cares! Honestly, if you find that you are a bit self conscious about what your crafting, remember that there is a buyer or audience for everything. At the end of the day as long as you like it then it’s perfect!

  1. Give constructive criticism 

If you are going to give criticism on another crafters work, please make sure that it is constructive. Yes, you can have your own opinions but you don’t have to be a jerk about it. Believe it or not, when people criticize and artists work it can hit them very hard. 

  1. Be supportive of fellow crafters

Being a crafter is a great gift and there are so many of us out there. It is important to support and be positive to our fellow crafters. Yes, if you craft for profit you will have competition but that doesn’t mean you can’t be supportive and nice to your fellow crafters.

  1. Don’t be afraid to learn

It is very easy to fall into comfort. Don’t get comfortable. When you get comfortable you stick to whatever process you have found and you end up pushing yourself less and are less likely to grow. As artists and crafters it is important that we are always ready to learn and adapt. It’s the best way to create new works of art!

  1. Express yourself with both emotion and personality

Don’t be afraid to express your personality and emotions into your work. I know it can be difficult and it might make you feel a bit vulnerable but it can be a great therapy outlet. Also consumers, family and friends love analyzing art and craft pieces. It naturally becomes a talking point. Remember if you love your piece that is what really matters! Just don’t be afraid to show who you are. I bet people will love it!

  1. Save all excess craft supplies

HAHA… don’t me modest and stop lying to yourself. You know that you save all excess supplies! DOn’t hide it be proud of it! It is apart of the natural cycle of crafting! I do it and I love every little craft supply I end up saving. I can always find a way to use it later! 

  1. Have a craft hoard, sash, collection. (Haha… we are all naturally guilty of this)

After saving all of your excess supplies it’s pretty common to end up with a very heavily filled craft hoard! I have one! (or several actually…) I can’t seem to find enough storage no matter how hard I try. But you know what, I’m ready for almost any craft I want to tackle and I save a bunch of money with my craft hoard. I also feel like it forces me to think outside of the box. When my hoard gets to be overwhelming it forces me to find ways to use the supplies in a creative way!

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